Thursday, August 10, 2006

And Then the Rains Came

After spending the last week swimming in humidity, something had to give. Last night it did. Blessed rain!! The temperature dropped about 30 degrees and is now at a reasonable 73. Massive downpours and lightning are pretty sweet when you think about it (provided you have adequate shelter, I was walking/running home when it hit). But the best part was that I managed to catch an incredible sunset after the storm. One half of the sky was all layers of red clouds, and the other half, still dominated by the storm, was black with the occasional streak of lightning. Pretty cool stuff.

You can do a lot in a lifetime
If you don't burn out too fast
You can make the most of the distance
First you need endurance -
First you've got to last...

From first to last
The peak is never passed
Something always fires the light
That gets in your eyes
One moment's high
And glory rolls on by
Like a streak of lightening
That flashes and fades
In the summer sky
- Neil Peart (from Marathon)

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